Saturday, December 25, 2010

Short Semester Examination Timetable November 2010

Dear All SPH Students,

Please be informed that BPH & DPH, MID EXAMINATION TIMETABLE (SHORT SEM) for NOVEMBER 2010 SESSION is now available for download.

To download: Go to myCampus Tools Tab → file storage → SPH Mid Sem Exam November 2010 - Short Sem (with Hall).xls →

You are required to verify your examination timetable and make sure your examination timetable is similar with your subject registration.

Your attention and cooperation are highly appreciated. Thank you.

2 reactions to this post:

  1. Sadly, some students failed to check their time table and missed some papers this time. For these students, I would like to say "It's your fault. Please learn from your mistake."

  2. It is a student responsibility...
